Read Review: Lean In

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg
Paperback, 256 pages
Published March 12th 2013 by WH Allen (first published March 11th 2013)

My Rating: 5 out of 5 stars

Lean In: Women, Work And The Will To Lead is a book that was written as a result of a TED conference in 2010, which revolved around the discussion that there are very few women in leadership positions. Even though it has been thirty years since women made up half the number of college graduates in the US, males still hold the majority of leadership positions. This translates that women aren’t being heard in major decisions that affect the lives of individuals in these modern times.

Sandberg tells women that they would never receive the same recognition as men, unless they are willing to make certain changes in order to prevent stagnation. She further throws light on the current state of women in the corporate arena of America, explaining that there are only 21 women CEOs in Fortune 500 companies in the US, and 22 out of 197 women hold the position of heads-of-state. Globally, women hold only 20 percent of parliamentary positions. She tells women to sit at the table, have faith in themselves, and shoot for the top. Sandberg also explains that the rate of divorce would decrease greatly if women pulled in half the household income. Apart from income, she also states that men and women should share equal responsibilities at household work. This book has almost 30 pages of footnotes as a result of Sandberg’s proof for her claims.

Sandberg also opens up to the readers by penning down her insecurities in college, and the time she cried in the presence of her boss. She also recounts the time when she had to negotiate her pay with Facebook. Lean In: Women, Work And The Will To Lead is a must-have for women who desire to overcome their pre-conceived ideas and anxieties to achieve the success they always wanted.

My sister first read this book and then recommended it to me. And I loved it to bits. This women voices the opinions of women like me who believes in and advocates equality between genders. The personal anecdotes makes it more real and connecting. Of course the author has various statistics to support what she is saying.

The author tells through the book what we should do and what needs to be done to really bring about equality between the genders. To me, the book also felt like a tribute to all those men who have continuously treated their female partners and colleagues at par with themselves. I would recommend this book to all men and women, whether they are working or homemakers.

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